I have a user index and would like to display information on each user. User ID shows up fine, but the app isn't showing emails.
Here is my template:
<template name="users">
<h1>List of all users</h1>
{{#each users}}
<div class="list_item">
<p>ID: {{_id}}</p>
<p>Email: {{email}}</p>
And here are my routes:
Router.route('/users', function () {
}, {
waitOn: function() {
return [
data: {users: Meteor.users.find({})}
And finally, my publication:
Meteor.publish('users', function () {
return Meteor.users.find({}, {fields: {emails: 1, profile: 1}});
Any ideas?
The correct way to display the email would be :
<p>Email: {{emails.[0].address}}</p>
Email addresses are stored as an array in the user object.
You can check by typing Meteor.user()
in the console :
Object {
emails: Array[1]
0: Object{
address: "[email protected]",
verified: false