Made for Twitch chat
I would like to search the irc chat for a certain message. The problem with my current code is that the message is actually a status and I have no clue on how to detect the status.
while True:
data = data+con.recv(1024)
data_split = re.split(r"[~\r\n]+", data)
data = data_split.pop()
for line in data_split:
line = str.rstrip(line)
line = str.split(line)
if len(line) >= 1:
if line[0] == 'PING':
send_pong(con, line[1])
if line[1] == 'PRIVMSG':
sender = get_sender(line[0])
message = get_message(line)
channel = line[2]
print(sender + ": " + message)
if (re.match(':jtv MODE \w* +o \w*', message)):
The original status looks like this:
:jtv MODE #CHAN +o/-o #nick
I would also like to use the mods array in another file (if that is possible) to check if they are a mod or not. Otherwise I can write it to a .txt file.
Thanks for your help Antti Haapala. Found a solution for my structure:
message = ' '.join(line)
x = re.findall('^:jtv MODE (.*?) \+o (.*)$', message)
if (len(x) > 0):
#print('DEBUG: Regex')
channel = x[0][0]
if (channel not in mods):
mods[channel] = []
list = mods.get(channel)