I wanted to ask if I could use the mtrace() function in order for my program to log the physical addresses of the memory allocations. Also, if I use mtrace() and is able to show the addresses used for allocation, will this show me the addresses in the physical or virtual memory?
Thank you in advance.
Edit: Ok, so I run the following code:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <mcheck.h>
int main(void) {
mtrace(); /* Starts the recording of memory allocations and releases */
int* a = NULL;
a = malloc(sizeof(int)); /* allocate memory and assign it to the pointer */
if (a == NULL) {
return 1; /* error */
free(a); /* we free the memory we allocated so we don't have leaks */
return 0; /* exit */
It gives me the following output:
@ ./a.out:[0x80484a6] + 0x9738378 0x4
@ ./a.out:[0x80484c4] + 0x9738378
= End
Are the addresses shown in virtual memory or in physical memory?
All addresses exposed to userspace applications, including those shown by mtrace()
, are virtual memory addresses.