I have a program I have written in C#, which loads an image with Image.FromFile, and it loads the image successfully every time. However, when you drag and drop another file on the executable, like you are giving the program the command line argument of the file, and the file is not in the same folder as the executable, the program crashes because it says the path to the file does not exist, even though it does.
I think that by dropping a file on the executable, it's changing the path it's loading images from somehow. How can I fix this problem?
Your program would be started with a different Environment.CurrentDirectory. Always make sure you load files with an absolute path name (i.e. don't use Image.FromFile("blah.jpg")).
To get the absolute path to a file that's stored in the same directory as your EXE, you could use Application.StartupPath for example. Or Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location if you don't use Windows Forms.