I am putting a bootstrap framework together for myself in node using express and swig as the tpl engine.
I am used to working with frameworks such as ezpublish where ini settings can be pulled from the tpl code. I don't actually like this way.
However there will always be content that the required in multiple places eg:
//general site details
module.exports = {
'siteName' : 'my site',
'emails' : {
'noReply' : 'no-reply@mysite.com',
'accouts' : 'accounts@mysite.com',
'support' : 'support@mysite.com'
'website': 'www.mysite.com',
'googleAnalytics': {
'trackingID': 'UA-123321213-1'
I would like to be able to always have the above information available to any swig template the app uses. Is there a way to define these as globals so i don't have to pass them through on every single route?
Doing this in each route seems crazy:
app.get('/profile', isLoggedIn, function(req, res) {
res.render('private/profile.html', {
user : req.user,
siteDetails: siteDetails /* this should be automatic */
If it is not possible to set gloabls with the swig tpl engine, is it possible to set an object to always be passed through to the express render functionality?
Thanks John
I found the answer:
app.locals.siteDetails = require('./config/site');
Then once in the template, you can access the object via: