I want know when my app run locally on SQL Server. It is necessary for backup and restore.
I get the IP address(DNS name) of the server from the Connection.DataSource. And then I check, whether there is this name in the list:
localNames = new List<string>()
".", "localhost", "(local)", "", Environment.MachineName.ToLower(),
if (localNames.Contains(GetServer(connection.DataSource).ToLower()))
//do something
IEnumerable<IPAddress> GetIP()
foreach (var ip in Dns.GetHostEntry(Dns.GetHostName()).AddressList.Where(ip => ip.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork))
yield return ip;
string GetServer(string dataSource)
return dataSource.Split('\\').First().Split(',').First().Split(':').Last();
DataSource can be: