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Calculating the average of raw data for hand tracking

I have been trying to calculate the average of the raw data that I have been receiving from my camera. The reason is that at the moment I am just using the raw data and this causes quite abit of jitter. Therefore I am wanting the past 5 locations and then an average to be calculated as this would make the hand tracking experience much more smoother.

I have been trying to store the previous 5 locations but when I attempted this I only get the latest raw data which then get stored and overwrites it for the locations.

The OnNewFrame() method is where I get the raw data.

Help on how I would do this would great.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Threading;
using SDKAttempt;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input;
using System.Drawing;
//The sdk module tracks geometric  nodes for every frame

  namespace PercUtils
    class DepthPipeline : UtilMPipeline
        double screenWidth = GraphicsAdapter.DefaultAdapter.CurrentDisplayMode.Width;
        double screenHeight = GraphicsAdapter.DefaultAdapter.CurrentDisplayMode.Height;
        PXCMGesture.GeoNode nData; //data the we will get from the camera

        double xPos = 0;
        double yPos = 0;
        double zPos = 0;
        double handOpeness = 0;
        private bool finished;
        PXCMGesture.GeoNode[] nodeData = new PXCMGesture.GeoNode[1]; //data from hand

        public DepthPipeline()
            : base()
            finished = false;
            EnableGesture(); //This function is called to enable finger tracking and gesture recognition

        public override void OnGestureSetup(ref PXCMGesture.ProfileInfo pinfo) //the application can override this function to fine-tune any parameters during module  initilisation
            base.OnGestureSetup(ref pinfo);
        public override void OnGesture(ref PXCMGesture.Gesture gesture) //the application needs to receive pose/gesture, the application can override the ongesture function
            if (gesture.label == PXCMGesture.Gesture.Label.LABEL_POSE_THUMB_UP)
                Console.WriteLine("Thumb Up"); //debug

            base.OnGesture(ref gesture);
        public override void OnAlert(ref PXCMGesture.Alert alert) //the application can override the OnAlert function to receive alert notifications

            base.OnAlert(ref alert);

        public override bool OnNewFrame()
            double xRatio = screenWidth / 160;  //corrects the ratio of the x axis of the camera to work with the width screen - scales the camera cood for the screen being used
            double yRatio = screenHeight / 120; //corrects the ratio of the y axis of the camera to work with the height screen - scales the camera cood for the screen being used 
            PXCMGesture gesture = QueryGesture();
            pxcmStatus sts = gesture.QueryNodeData(0, PXCMGesture.GeoNode.Label.LABEL_BODY_HAND_LEFT, out nData); //gets the status of the left hand, out nData because the value isn't set and the function must set it before returning it

            if (sts >= pxcmStatus.PXCM_STATUS_NO_ERROR)

                xPos = (screenWidth - (nData.positionImage.x * xRatio)) + (screenWidth / 2);
                yPos = ((nData.positionImage.y * yRatio) - (screenHeight / 2));
                zPos = nData.positionWorld.y * 100;
                handOpeness = nData.openness;

                TitleScreen.setX(xPos); //this corrects the inverted control of the dot

                PlayGame.setX(xPos); //this corrects the inverted control of the dot
                PlayGame.getZ(zPos); //gets the z coordnidate of the users hand.

                PlayGameEasy.setX(xPos); //this corrects the inverted control of the dot
                PlayGameEasy.getZ(zPos); //gets the z coordnidate of the users hand.





            return !finished;


        public void Finish()
            finished = true;

        public bool IsFinished()
            return finished;

        public void StartWork()
            finished = false;



  • Could you add an array of 5 double for each xpos, ypos, zpos and an indexAverage

    Make all of them private class variables

    In your new frame function use:

      Xpos_array [indexAverage]= (screenWidth - (nData.positionImage.x * xRatio)) + (screenWidth / 2);
     Xpos = => x / 5.0).sum();


      indexAverage = (indexAverage+1)%5;