I am new to meteor and i am wondering how am i able to pass the result of a query that is the result of a click event of a template to another template that will show up after click event.
"click .list-group-item": function(){
//Session.set("projectSelected", true);
Session.set("projectSelected", this._id)
<template name="projectDetail">
<div class="project">
<h4 class="project-title">
<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash pull-right del"></i>
<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus pull-right add"></i>
<div class="clearfix"></div>
<div class="project-description">
<label>Project description:</label>
I made some revision and did something similar to that 1st suggestion. But i did not put the entire query result to the session. Instead i place the selected id and made the helper query the details of the project. But by doing so, still to no avail of the desired result.
detail: function(){
var proj = Project.find({_id: Session.get("projectSelected")}).fetch();
return proj;
You should use helpers for that. For example, assuming project is the result you want to pass to projectDetail template:
"click .list-group-item": function(){
Session.set("projectSelected", true);
var project = Project.find({_id: this._id}).fetch();
// Store project in Session
Session.set("aProject", project);
project: function () {
// Get the project back from Session
var project = Session.get("aProject");
return project;
So now, in your projectDetail template, {{project}} will depend on the result of the query from the click event.