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Google API PHP Client - Choosing the right Scopes

From the Google documentation, there is an example that references a variable named $scopes:

$scopes = array('');

This is for sqlservice. I want to use a different scope. How do I choose the right scope? And how do I know it's the right service for what I want? Is there a list of scopes somewhere that match up to which URL's to use?

That line of code returns an array, even though there is no sqlservice.admin file in the auth folder.

I need to use the drive service.

I'm assuming that I should change that line to:

$scopes = array('');

But how that integrates into the bigger picture, I don't understand. Do I also need to call OAuth2.php at some point?

I just realized that the array is pointing towards a web address and not a file. And I was looking at the OAuth 2.0 Playground, and there is a list of all the scopes.

Drive API Scopes

And I just noticed that if I hover over an item in the list, a help context balloon appears.


So, I guess I can get a list of scopes and descriptions of the scopes from there, although I'd still like to know if there is an official list somewhere other than on the OAuth2 playground.


  • Each scope is a URN. They also seem to be URL's, but I don't think that's significant. For your app, it's just a string (or list/array of strings - you can specify more than one) that you need to spell correctly. Each Google service supports a range of scopes, each of which grants different permissions. Generally, somewhere within the documentation pages for each service, you'll find a single page that defines the available scopes. In the case of the Drive service, the scopes are defined at