I recently upgraded my Sugar CE to Suite 7.2.
I find that the status description field in the Cases module has TinyMCE editor (which was not the case in Sugar CE).
When I create a new case the html tags appear in the status description field. (please see the attached image.)
I would prefer to use a simple textarea rather than TinyMCE editor. Is there a way to disable TinyMCE editor?
Thanks in Advance,
I found this answer in another form. I tried it and tested it works for me.
As I already mentioned this problem can be solved by disabling the TinyMCE editor for the status description field. Here is how you do it:
Edit the file /custom/modules/Cases/views/view.edit.php and comment the line:
echo $tiny->getInstance('update_text,description', 'email_compose_light');
Then do a quick repair and rebuild: Go to Admin -> Repair -> choose Quick Repair and Rebuild
After this you should not see TinyMCE editor and when you edit any record you also see that html tags don't appear.