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Stubbing a stateful object in PHPSpec (or any unit testing framework)

How would you go about stubbing a DTO that also contains some logic (which kind of makes it more than a DTO anyway)? Would you even stub it? Consider this simple example:

class Context
     * @var string
    private $value;

    function __construct($value)
        $this->value = $value;

    public function getValue()
        return $this->value;

    public function setValue($value)
        $this->value = $value;

     * Some logic that we assume belong here


class Interpreter
    public function interpret(Context $context)
        $current_context = $context->getValue();

        if(preg_match('/foo/', $current_context ))            
            $context->setValue(str_replace('foo', 'bar', $current_context));


        return $context->getValue();

Now, unit testing Interpreter in a PHPSpec fashion:

class InterpreterSpec 
    function it_does_something_cool_to_a_context_stub(Context $context)
        $context->getValue()->shouldReturn('foo foo');

        $this->intepret($context)->shouldReturn("bar bar");

Obviously this'd create an endless loop. How would you go about unit testing the Interpreter? I mean, if you just passed a "real" instance of Contextinto it, you'd rely on that objects behaviour, and it wouldn't really be a unit test.


  • Based on what I see in your code, I would not fake the context but work with a real one. As far as I can see it is a value object with only the getter and setter being accessed.

    class InterpreterSpec 
        function it_does_something_cool_to_a_context_stub()
            $context = new Context("foo foo");
            $this->intepret($context)->shouldReturn("bar bar");