Search code examples

Why is search functionality not working on this page?

we deliver micro-site content for our client. Our content is injected into a wrapper that is supplied by another developer.

To deliver our content we host the wrapper as well as the content. The user can access this at

http://fundcentre.[redacted].ie/ (try a search for '[redacted]')

For the other content that is not ours, the other developer hosts a similar (though slightly different) wrapper and delivers the content. the user accesses this here:

http://www.[redacted].ie/ (try a search for '[redacted]')

The wrapper contains a search box, which does not work for us but it works for the other developer. I took a look at the network traffic with FireBug but it appears that when I do the search from the wrapper that we're hosting, I'm getting a "407 Proxy Access Denied" error. My guess is their proxy has a problem with the fact that the search is being conducted from a page hosted outside the scope of their proxy.

It was also suggested that there were javascript errors on the page that were preventing the search from executing but I can't see any. Also, I don't think I'd get as far as the proxy error if that was the case.

I don't really understand this stuff too well though, so could somebody with a bit more experience please take a look and maybe shed some light on this for me? Thanks.


  • The problem appears to be that the search box and the button next to it (the magnifying glass) are both causing the whole page form to submit after they try to set the page URL to the search URL. When you type into the search field and hit "Enter", the outer form that's wrapped around the entire page is submitted. When the magnifying glass is clicked, it tries to load the search results but because it's an image button the click also causes the outer form to be submitted.

    I'm not exactly sure how best to fix it, partly because I think the entire page design should be thrown out. But if you're stuck with it, it might be possible to get it working by ditching that in-line Javascript on the button (since it's not working anyway) and then wrapping the search stuff with its own <form> directed to the search page. Having a <form> within a <form> is bad mojo but that's hard to avoid in a design that puts the whole page in a <form> to start with.

    Alternatively, you could try handling keypress events on the search input to detect "Enter", and have that handler and the code on the button both return "false" to stop the outer form submission.

    edit — as to why that works on the other site, well it appears to me that there the outer form really is the "search" functionality somehow, as they don't have the click handler on the search button at all, so all it'll do is submit the outer form anyway.

    edit again — also, I never see that "proxy" issue. The search from your page works fine for me if I first fix the inline Javascript on the button so that it ends with ; return false. That actually may be all you need to do.