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How to use svn with beyond compare 3

I want to use svn command line with beyond compare and get the following output

Text Compare
Produced: 11/16/2008 11:45:34 AM


What is the exact commandline?


  • Put this in (for example) c:\bin\bcsvn.bat

    @REM To configure this as the Subversion diff command, add these lines to
    @REM    c:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\Subversion\config:
    @REM [helpers]
    @REM diff-cmd = c:\bin\bcsvn.bat
    @"C:\Progra~1\Beyond~1\bcomp.exe" "%6" /title1=%3 "%7" /title2=%5
    @exit 0

    You'll might have to fix up the path to bcomp.exe.