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Stardog rule doesn't trigger

I'm having trouble writing a correct Stardog rule. As I haven't found a way to validate the syntax of the rule, I don't now if it's a syntax or a logical error. Eitherway, the rule doesn't seem to be triggered when reasoning is enabled (reasoning=SL in version 2, reasoning=true in version 3).

@prefix : <> .
@prefix rule: <tag:stardog:api:rule:> .
@base <> .

[] a rule:SPARQLRule ;
  rule:content """
PREFIX draft: <http://our/prefix#>
IF {
    ?x a draft:Obs; draft:has_code ?code .
    ?z a <> . // OR: BIND (UUID() AS ?z)
    ?z a draft:Code .
    ?x draft:has_code ?z .
""" .

I'm trying to trigger the rule with the following SPARQL query:

PREFIX : <http://our/prefix>
PREFIX rdf: <>
SELECT ?code
FROM <tag:stardog:api:context:default> 
FROM <http://our/graph> 
    ?s rdf:type :Obs .
    ?obs :has_code ?code .


  • This is likely due to the cyclic nature of the rule. You're inferring :has_code which will in turn be used to fire the rule again, and again, and so forth.

    This is a bit easier to visualize when you consider how rules with more than one atom in the header a broken up.