I have a wikipedia dump compressed with bzip2 (downloaded from http://dumps.wikimedia.org/enwiki/), but I don't want to unpack it: I want to process it while decompressing on the fly.
I know that it's possible to do it in plain Java (see e.g. Java - Read BZ2 file and uncompress/parse on the fly), but I was wondering how do it in Apache Flink? What I probably need is something like https://github.com/whym/wikihadoop but for Flink, not Hadoop.
It is possible to read compressed files in the following formats in Apache Flink:
As you can see from the package names, Flink does this using Hadoop's InputFormats. This is an example for reading gz files using Flink's Scala API: (You need at least Flink 0.8.1)
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment
val job = new JobConf()
val hadoopInput = new TextInputFormat()
FileInputFormat.addInputPath(job, new Path("/home/robert/Downloads/cawiki-20140407-all-titles.gz"))
val lines = env.createHadoopInput(hadoopInput, classOf[LongWritable], classOf[Text], job)
env.execute("Read gz files")
Apache Flink has only build-in support for .deflate files. Adding support for more compression codecs is easy to do, but hasn't been done yet.
Using HadoopInputFormats with Flink doesn't cause any performance loss. Flink has build-in serialization support for Hadoop's Writable