Well I am writing a web application using JavaScript and HTML5 and I have to put a sound notification in my web page, this is how I am calling it in JavaScript:
sounds: {
bip: new Audio('/sounds/bip.mp3')
But I want to make sure that this audio works in all browsers. So I have two questions:
I saw all the answers here and I also found solutions here:
So there was an answer for this question:
var test_audio= document.createElement("audio"); //try and create sample audio element
var audiosupport=(test_audio.play)? true : false;
But my problem now is:
element with an alternative and compatible one?How can I manage this?
You need this as an alternative for browsers that do not support audio element
<object data="/sounds/bip.mp3" >
<param name="src" value="/sounds/bip.mp3"/>
With JavaScript you could use something like this:
var obj = document.createElement('object'),
param = document.createElement('param');
param.name = "src";
param.value = "/sounds/bip.mp3";
You can check wether to use this or notusing Modernizr or with your code (have not tested):
var test_audio= document.createElement("audio"); //try and create sample audio element
var audiosupport=(test_audio.play)? true : false;