I have tried to fetch data from a dictionary like mongodb do.
while there is a document like
{'a': 'b', 'c': ['d', {'e': ['i', {'j': 'h'}]}]}
that I want to get the value 'h' from the search string like 'c.e.j' as mongodb will do
> db.cc.findOne({'c.e.j':'h'})
"_id" : ObjectId("551e5047342b12656b4edecc"),
"a" : "b",
"c" : [
"e" : [
"j" : "h"
so the first time I think is I will need to extend the dictionary for each list inside, and I have been coding for 4 hours, buy I think it is hard for me.
The final version of my code looks like this:
import types
def extdic(cc):
lst = []
for key in cc:
value = cc[key]
if type(value) == types.DictType:
for _ in extdic(value):
cc[key] = _
return lst
if type(value) == types.ListType:
#print cc
for _ in value:
cc[key] = _
#print lst
return lst
return [cc]
def mkdic(cc):
lst = []
if type(cc) == types.ListType:
lst = cc
lst = [cc]
reslst = []
while True:
for _ in lst:
#print _
ext = extdic(_)
#print ext
reslst = reslst + ext
if len(reslst) == len(lst):
lst = reslst
reslst = []
return lst
if __name__ == '__main__':
cc = [
{'a': 'b', 'c': ['d', {'e': ['i', 'j']}]},
cd = {'a': 'b', 'c': {'e': ['i', 'j']}}
ce = {'a': {'b': {'c':{'d':{'e':['f','g']}}}}}
for _ in mkdic(cc):
print _
It is sad that I still cannot get what I want
I only get the 'ce' dictionary work like
MBA:code cc$ python todic3.py
{'a': {'b': {'c': {'d': {'e': 'f'}}}}}
{'a': {'b': {'c': {'d': {'e': 'g'}}}}}
MBA:code cc$
other dictionary struct still not the thing I want..
MBA:code cc$ python todic3.py
{'a': 'b', 'c': ['d', {'e': ['i', {'j': 'h'}]}]}
{'f': 'g'}
{'f': 'h'}
MBA:code cc$
I want to use the tools like
MBA:code cc$ echo "{'a': 'b', 'c': ['d', {'e': ['i', {'j': 'h'}]}]}" | python todic3.py c.e.j
c.e.j: h
MBA:code cc$
help please..
thank you very much
This should return the specified value. The 'yield from' statements require that you use Python 3.
Unfortunately I cannot test it ATM.
EDIT: I tested it just now, turns out there where some significant bugs. I fixed them and it works as intended now.
def iter_flattened(data):
'''returns a generator that allows iteration over key,value pairs, even if the dictionaries are nested in lists'''
if isinstance(data, dict):
yield from data.items()
elif isinstance(data, list):
for item in data:
yield from iter_flattened(item)
def _find(data, keys):
'''This function searches the given (sub-)tree for the given keys'''
if len(keys) == 0:
return data
for key, value in iter_flattened(data):
if key == keys[0]:
result = _find(value, keys[1:])
result = _find(value, keys)
if result is not None:
return result
return None
def find(data, path):
'''Interface function, that accepts the keys as a string seperated with dots.'''
keys = path.split('.')
return _find(data, keys)
To be used like this:
data = {'a': 'b', 'c': ['d', {'e': ['i', {'j': 'h'}]}]}
value = find(data, 'c.e.j')
print(value) # --> h