I want to try the rpc package of Dart using the io sample (https://github.com/dart-lang/rpc)
I'm on the 64 bits version of Dart editor with the 1.9.1 sdk (cannot update more thans stable version)
This is my pubspec.yaml :
name: myDartRestServer
version: 0.0.1
description: A minimal command-line application.
#author: <your name> <email@example.com>
#homepage: https://www.example.com
sdk: '1.9.1'
rpc: any
unittest: any
But when I try to copy the sample for launch my server :
final ApiServer _apiServer = new ApiServer('/api/', prettyPrint: true);
void start() {
_apiServer.addApi(new Synchro());
HttpServer server = await HttpServer.bind(InternetAddress.ANY_IP_V4, 9090);
My EDI(SDK) don't know the await keyword. (I import the dart:io dart:async and rpc package in my library file)
I've missed something? Thanks by advance for your responses. Have a nice day.
You need to mark the function as async
in order to be able to use await
void start() async {
try at DartPad
Without async
is a valid identifier.