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Angular ui-select placeholder not working when ng-model is initialized

I am trying to add a new select every time a button is clicked,

The html:

 <div ng-repeat = "select in selects track by $index">
  <ui-select ng-model="selects[$index]" theme="select2" ng-disabled="disabled" style="min-width: 300px;">
    <ui-select-match placeholder="Select a person in the list or search his name/age...">{{$}}</ui-select-match>
    <ui-select-choices repeat="person in people">
      <div ng-bind-html=" | highlight: $"></div>
 <button ng-click="addNewSelect()"> Add new select</button>

The controller:

  $scope.selects = [{}];
  $scope.addNewSelect = function() {

The array of objects gets saved in the array 'selects', but the placeholder is not coming in the selects as I am initializing the ng-model with an empty object initially. How to get he placeholder working in this case?

Here is the Plunker for the same.


  • You are missing the .selected after the selects[$index].

    Without this, the ui-select believes that you have selected an empty object (the selects[$index]) and won't show the placeholder.

    <ui-select ng-model="selects[$index].selected" theme="select2" ng-disabled="disabled" style="min-width: 300px;">

    also you dont need to look up using the index, you can just use select.selected

    <ui-select ng-model="select.selected" theme="select2" ng-disabled="disabled" style="min-width: 300px;">