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How can I find the page object of the page watir is currently on?


I'm trying to make reusable step definitions that click on page objects on the current page, e.g. (cucumber step def follows):

When(/^the user clicks the "([^"]*)" button$/) do |button|

      click_button = button.downcase.gsub(" ","_")
      @current_page #somehow get current page object on this line


Problem statement:

I can't find anything that returns the current page object.

An explanation for why the obvious solution didn't work:

I thought @current_page was already there as something I could use. I looked in the source code for page object, and the variable @current_page does exist. Not sure how to use it if I can...

BTW, in this case, I have a bunch of testers that can write Gherkin but not necessarily step definitions. We are trying to rapidly finish a bunch of regression tests for an in house app with an unchanging interface.


  • This is somewhat at odds with what page-object is trying to provide.

    Page object attempts to provide well named actions for interacting with a specific page. If you are wanting to make something that works in general against any page, it will be much easier to write it with watir-webdriver directly.

    That said, I agree that a specification based heavily on implementation like that is likely to change. I also would add that it doesn't add much value. I would only continue down this path if you understand and accept that you are using cucumber as a test templating tool instead of a requirements communication tool.