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OpenFL and Lime does not run, because of a segmentation fault

Recently, I have found (on Mac OS X Mavericks) OpenFL and LIME (with the command line tools) not working due to a 'segmentation fault'.

Before I get into the details, here's some background.

  • I originally got Haxe + Neko from the installer provided from OpenFL's site.
  • I installed OpenFL from the instructions there.
  • Later, when using standard Haxe coding I needed Neko but it wasn't installed apparently.
  • I installed Neko from Neko's site.

And now, I get this error when typing lime or openfl or using any of their functions (e.g. building):

Called from lime/utils/ByteArray.hx line 109
Called from lime/system/System.hx line 286
Called from lime/system/System.hx line 405
Uncaught exception - Segmentation fault

Anyways, I don't know if the background has anything to do with it. I looked on the Ubuntu forums but nothing there worked for me. Any help would be appreciated; I can't find much in 'similar questions' or anywhere else for that matter.

Haxe Compiler 3.1.3 + OpenFL 3.0.0 beta. (According to haxelib upgrade descriptions.)


  • Neko is failing to initialize on your computer. When Lime loads up it tries calling neko_init in lime.ndll and crashes. It could be caused by multiple things so here are a few steps to check.

    1. Typing neko in the terminal should display version information. Make sure it says 2.0.0 before continuing. You can also display where neko is executing from with the command which neko. It is typically a symbolic link from /usr/lib/neko/neko to /usr/bin/neko.
    2. The std.ndll file may not be found. Usually this file and the other standard neko ndll files are located in /usr/lib/neko. Make sure you have a NEKOPATH environment variable pointing to that directory.
    3. If the above seems to be correct you may want to completely remove Haxe and Neko and reinstall. Instead of using the installer from OpenFL's site you may have better luck with the one from It should have neko bundled with the installer version.