Search code examples

How to perform an active record search based on a regular expression

I have a standard User model in my rails app. Complete with First Name, Last Name, Email, etc. I am attempting to search for all Users that meet a certain criteria.

I know that I can search for a specific email address as follows:


But say I want to find all users that have a Gmail address (for example). Ideally this would be done via:


But that doesn't work. It gives me a TypeError: Cannot visit Regexp. How can I perform this activerecord search?


  • .find(_by) only returns the first match. Since you want to find all users with a Gmail address you need to use .where.

    You can easily combine the query with some regex:

    With Mysql, use REGEXP

    User.where("email REGEXP ?", '.*')

    With Postgres, use regexp_matches:

    User.where("regexp_matches(email, ?)", '.*')