Search code examples

Free jqGrid 4.8.0 - restore grid toolbarfilter values

I'm trying to restore the grid after doing GridUnload to it's previous state in terms of filter, sort, group etc'. I successfully achieved restoring all of those, but missing some visual aspects within the grid that are not part of the data i'm restoring, and as such I can't see them.

For example, I do restore the filter values (toolbarfilter), but I can't see the filters values in the toolbar. (they are there, as I can restore them using $("#gview_"+$grid.attr('id')+' #' + inputId).val(, but I don't know how to make them re-appear without iterate manually over them.




  • Eventually, I restored the toolbarfilter by doing the following:

    1. I saved all the rules into a temporary varible (barFilter).
    2. After grid restoration, I added a new function that gets the barFilter and extract the values into their places restoreToolbarFilter($('#'+gridName),barFilter);:

    regexEscape = function(s) {
    			return s.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&');
    function restoreToolbarFilter($grid,searchParams){
    				for (key in searchParams) {
    					// Restore the search input string
    					var column = searchParams[key];
    					inputId = regexEscape('gs_' + column.field);
    					$("#gview_"+$grid.attr('id')+' #' + inputId).val(;
    					// Restore the search filter type and operator symbol
    					operator = $("#gview_"+$grid.attr('id')+' #' + inputId).closest('tr').find('.soptclass');
    					$(operator).attr('soper', column.op);
    					operands = {  "eq":"==",
    									"nn":"!#" };