Is there a way to use tab key in bash or zsh to trigger a snippet, like e.g. Sublime Text does it?
For example, if I have configured that x
should be expanded to ~/projects/one/two/x/
, so:
$ cd x[TAB]
would turn into
$ cd ~/projects/one/two/x/
That's quite easy in zsh, actually.
First, you need a shell function that does whatever you want if the conditions are met (here, if the zle special variable $LBUFFER
— that is, what's at the left of the current position in the zle buffer — is x
) and fallbacks to the regular completion otherwise:
expandSnippetOrComplete() {
[[ $LBUFFER = x ]] && LBUFFER=~/projects/one/two/x/ || zle expand-or-complete
Second, you have to make this shell function a zle widget, that is, a function that can be called within zle instead of from the command line.
zle -N expandSnippetOrComplete
Third, you have to bind this widget to the tab key:
bindkey "^i" expandSnippetOrComplete
That's it!
Now, you might want to do that if the last word before the current position in the zle buffer is x
, be it at the beginning or not. If so, then this should do the trick:
ALBUFFER=($=LBUFFER) # split $LBUFFER on $IFS, put the resulting in $ALBUFFER
[[ $ALBUFFER[-1] = x ]] && LBUFFER[-1]=~/projects/one/two/x/ || zle expand-or-complete