I would really appreciate your help; I'm using java (netbeans ide), i'm working with filechooser, when i choose a directory, i need to display it's path on a jtextfield. However nothing appears until the program is over (untill all the files of the directory are parsed and treated), I would like it to appear as soon as the program starts. Please help me out, here is my code:
JFileChooser fch = new JFileChooser("C:\\");
int ret = fch.showOpenDialog(null);
int apr=0;
if (ret==JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION)
else jTextField1.setText("Nothing clicked!!!");
.......... the rest of the code .........
when I don't click the msg appears, yet when i do, the path won't apprear till after the program is finished
The code of JFileChooser...
probably resides in an ActionListener. This is handled on the sole event handling thread. So do an invokeLater
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() { // Added
... rest of the code
}); // Added
Here I think "rest of the code" might be causing the delay, but you might try differently.