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C# anonymous object with properties from dictionary

I'm trying to convert an dictionary to an anonymous type with one property for every Key.

I tried google it but all I could find was how to convert a anonymous object to a dictionary.

My dictionary looks something like this:

var dict = new Dictionary<string, string>
    {"Id", "1"},
    {"Title", "My title"},
    {"Description", "Blah blah blah"},

And i would like to return a anonymous object that looks like this.

var o = new 
    Id = "1",
    Title = "My title",
    Description = "Blah blah blah"

So I would like it to loop thru every keyValuePair in the dictionary and create a property in the object for every key.

I don't know where to begin.

Please help.


  • You can't, basically. Anonymous types are created by the compiler, so they exist in your assembly with all the property names baked into them. (The property types aren't a problem in this case - as an implementation detail, the compiler creates a generic type and then creates an instance of that using appropriate type arguments.)

    You're asking for a type with properties which are determined at execution time - which just doesn't fit with how anonymous types work. You'd have to basically compile code using it at execution time - which would then be a pain as it would be in a different assembly, and anonymous types are internal...

    Perhaps you should use ExpandoObject instead? Then anything using dynamic will be able to access the properties as normal.