I'm new to using Toad for Oracle, so I hope my question makes sense. As far as I know there is 'base' SQL which is ANSI SQL and from that there are proprietary versions such as PLSQL for Oracle and TSQL for Microsoft. Is that correct?
So when I'm using Toad, there is an option there that says Desktop: SQL or PLSQL and I can choose which one. So if I chose SQL, does that mean I need to use ANSI SQL only? What does that option do?
In this case, "SQL" refers strictly to the query language. It's still Oracle's flavor of SQL.
"PL/SQL" refers to Oracle procedural extension of SQL. This allows you to write functions or procedures that run SQL natively, as well as too run procedural blocks that contain SQL (anonymous blocks).
For Toad, the distinction is really a matter of how the editor is configured. You can run PL/SQL in the SQL editor and vice versa. Remember, Toad is just an IDE, it can't change the way Oracle interprets SQL anymore than Eclipse can change the way Java compiles code.