Search code examples

Find the K'th element of a list using foldr

I try to implement own safe search element by index in list. I think, that my function have to have this signature:

safe_search :: [a] -> Int -> Maybe a
safe_search xs n = foldr iteration init_val xs n
iteration = undefined
init_val = undefined

I have problem with implementation of iteration. I think, that it has to look like this:

safe_search :: [a] -> Int -> Maybe a
safe_search xs n = foldr iteration init_val xs n
    iteration :: a -> (Int -> [a]) -> Int -> a
    iteration x g 0 = []
    iteration x g n = x (n - 1)
    init_val :: Int -> a
    init_val = const 0

But It has to many errors. My intuition about haskell is wrong.


  • you have

    safe_search :: [a] -> Int -> Maybe a
    safe_search xs n = foldr iteration init_val xs n

    if null xs holds, foldr iteration init_val [] => init_val, so

    init_val n

    must make sense. Nothing to return, so

                 = Nothing

    is all we can do here, to fit the return type.

    So init_val is a function, :: Int -> Maybe a. By the definition of foldr, this is also what the "recursive" argument to the combining function is, "coming from the right":

    iteration x r 

    but then this call must also return just such a function itself (again, by the definition of foldr, foldr f z [a,b,c,...,n] == f a (f b (f c (...(f n z)...))), f :: a -> b -> b i.e. it must return a value of the same type as it gets in its 2nd argument ), so

                   n | n==0 = Just x

    That was easy, 0-th element is the one at hand, x; what if n > 0?

                     | n>0  = ... (n-1)

    Right? Just one more step left for you to do on your own... :) It's not x (the list's element) that goes on the dots there; it must be a function. We've already received such a function, as an argument...

    To see what's going on here, it might help to check the case when the input is a one-element list, first,

    safe_search [x] n = foldr iteration init_val [x] n
                      = iteration x init_val n

    and with two elements,

                [x1, x2] n = iteration x1 (iteration x2 init_val) n
            --               iteration x  r                       n

    Hope it is clear now.

    edit: So, this resembles the usual foldr-based implementation of zip fused with the descending enumeration from n down, indeed encoding the more higher-level definition of

    foo xs n = ($ zip xs [n,n-1..]) $ 
                            dropWhile ((>0) . snd) >>>
                            map fst >>>
                            take 1 >>> listToMaybe
             = drop n >>> take 1 >>> listToMaybe $ xs