I am new to angular so I need detailed solution to this question. I have seen a lot of answers but not according to my situation.
I have a service:
function ticketService($resource, globals) {
return $resource(globals.API_URL+'/tickets/:id', {id: '@id'}, {
update: {method: 'PUT'}
Now I need to cancel previous call when a new call is made. How I need to use timeout parameter here?
In controller im calling this service like this:
ticketService.get({group_by: type}, function(data) {
How I need to alter my service and controller.
The example is this previous Stackoverflow question should work for what your asking as well. $resource
supports the timeout
feature Angular has for its promise system.
How to cancel an $http request in AngularJS?
var canceller;
function ticketService($resource, globals) {
canceller = $q.defer();
return $resource(globals.API_URL + '/tickets/:id', {
timeout: canceller.promise,
id: '@id'
}, {
update: {method: 'PUT'}
function cancelRequest() {
if (canceller) {
// You could also use a $timeout timer to cancel it