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python py2exe: exe creation/errors

I'm trying to create a windows executable for a python program using tkinter. This is essentially a webscraper using the requests module. I'm not sure where to start troubleshooting my issue. I'm able to create the exe and run it. My program has a login view, and when this is submitted and requests are made is when the error shows up. You need to be using a VPN to make these requests, so I'm not posting all my code here yet. Please let me know if any additional info/code is needed. The following error only shows up when running the exe, not the original python file. Here is the error:

Exception in Tkinter callback
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "Tkinter.pyc", line 1486, in __call__
  File "", line 222, in login_gui
  File "", line 29, in login
  File "requests\sessions.pyc", line 498, in post
  File "requests\sessions.pyc", line 456, in request
  File "requests\sessions.pyc", line 559, in send
  File "requests\adapters.pyc", line 382, in send
SSLError: [Errno 185090050] _ssl.c:344: error:0B084002:x509 certificate      routines
:X509_load_cert_crl_file:system lib


  • I was not able to get this working with py2exe, but it does work just fine using pyinstaller. You just need to have pywin32 installed also.