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Building 'flat' rather than 'tree' LINQ expressions

I'm using some code (available here on MSDN) to dynamically build LINQ expressions containing multiple OR 'clauses'.

The relevant code is

var equals = values.Select(value => (Expression)Expression.Equal(valueSelector.Body, Expression.Constant(value, typeof(TValue))));

var body = equals.Aggregate<Expression>((accumulate, equal) => Expression.Or(accumulate, equal));

This generates a LINQ expression that looks something like this:

(((((ID = 5) OR (ID = 4)) OR (ID = 3)) OR (ID = 2)) OR (ID = 1))

I'm hitting the recursion limit (100) when using this expression, so I'd like to generate an expression that looks like this:

(ID = 5) OR (ID = 4) OR (ID = 3) OR (ID = 2) OR (ID = 1)

How would I modify the expression building code to do this?


  • You need to modify the generation so that it builds a ballanced tree instead of a sequence of ORs where the left sub-tree is a single expression and the right sub-tree contains all remaining elements. Graphically:

     Your code               Better
     ---------              --------
        OR                     OR
     #1    OR              OR      OR
         #2  OR          #1  #2  #3  #4
           #3  #4

    As you can see, even in this simple case, the better approach is not as deeply (recursively nested). The code to generate the better expression tree can be written as a recursive method in C#:

    Expression GenerateTree(List<Expression> exprs, int start, int end) {
      // End of the recursive processing - return single element
      if (start == end) return exprs[start];
      // Split the list between two parts of (roughly the same size)
      var mid = start + (end - start)/2;
      // Process the two parts recursively and join them using OR
      var left = GenerateTree(exprs, start, mid);
      var right = GenerateTree(exprs, mid+1, end);
      return Expression.Or(left, right);
    // Then call it like this:
    var equalsList = equals.ToList();
    var body = GenerateTree(equalsList, 0, equalsList.Length);

    I didn't try the code, so there may be some minor mistakes, but it should show the idea.