I developed and published an app. build.gradle has
minSdkVersion 11
targetSdkVersion 22
compileSdkVersion 22
and AndroidManifest.xml has
App uses features
Now, I have a tablet Asus Nexus 7 with Android 5.1. I can launch the app normally on it when debugging. In the developer console it says that Nexus 7 is supported.
However, I cannot find the app in the Google Play from the tablet. It's invisible for my tablet somehow.
Most probably the problem is your following line:
<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.camera" />
the 2012 model only has a front camera and not a rear camera. This tells the play store that a camera is mandatory for the app to run. So it won't show on devices with ONLY front camera. See Android Camera: require frontal OR rear camera
By default android:required:"true"
. This means that only devices with atleast a rear camera will be able to see this. You can add android:required="false"
tag which will tell the play store that a camera is not mandatory for it to show on app store.