I'm still familiarizing myself with Torch and so far so good. I have however hit a dead end that I'm not sure how to get around: how can I get Torch7 (or more specifically the dp library) to evaluate a single input and return the predicted output?
Here's my setup (basically the dp demo):
require 'dp'
opt = {
nHidden = 100, --number of hidden units
learningRate = 0.1, --training learning rate
momentum = 0.9, --momentum factor to use for training
maxOutNorm = 1, --maximum norm allowed for output neuron weights
batchSize = 128, --number of examples per mini-batch
maxTries = 100, --maximum number of epochs without reduction in validation error.
maxEpoch = 1000 --maximum number of epochs of training
datasource = dp.Mnist{input_preprocess = dp.Standardize()}
print("feature size: ", datasource:featureSize())
model = dp.Sequential{
models = {
input_size = datasource:featureSize(),
output_size = opt.nHidden,
transfer = nn.Tanh(),
sparse_init = true
input_size = opt.nHidden,
output_size = #(datasource:classes()),
transfer = nn.LogSoftMax(),
sparse_init = true
train = dp.Optimizer{
loss = dp.NLL(),
visitor = { -- the ordering here is important:
dp.Momentum{momentum_factor = opt.momentum},
dp.Learn{learning_rate = opt.learningRate},
dp.MaxNorm{max_out_norm = opt.maxOutNorm}
feedback = dp.Confusion(),
sampler = dp.ShuffleSampler{batch_size = opt.batchSize},
progress = true
valid = dp.Evaluator{
loss = dp.NLL(),
feedback = dp.Confusion(),
sampler = dp.Sampler{}
test = dp.Evaluator{
loss = dp.NLL(),
feedback = dp.Confusion(),
sampler = dp.Sampler{}
xp = dp.Experiment{
model = model,
optimizer = train,
validator = valid,
tester = test,
observer = {
error_report = {'validator','feedback','confusion','accuracy'},
maximize = true,
max_epochs = opt.maxTries
random_seed = os.time(),
max_epoch = opt.maxEpoch
You have two options.
One. Use the encapsulated nn.Module to forward your torch.Tensor:
mlp = model:toModule(datasource:trainSet():sub(1,2))
input = torch.FloatTensor(1, 1, 32, 32) -- replace this with your input
output = mlp:forward(input)
Two. Encapsulate your torch.Tensor into a dp.ImageView and forward that through your dp.Model :
input = torch.FloatTensor(1, 1, 32, 32) -- replace with your input
inputView = dp.ImageView('bchw', input)
outputView = mlp:forward(inputView, dp.Carry{nSample=1})
output = outputView:forward('b')