I have a _form.html.haml
partial for a model FileType
that I want to render in my new.html.haml
and edit.html.haml
= simple_form_for [:document_manager, file_type] do |f|
When I render this partial in the new view, this works, but when I render it in the edit view, simple_form
tries to set the id
of file_type
to the locale
param if my route. My routes look like this:
Rails.application.routes.draw do
scope '(:locale)', locale: locale: /#{I18n.available_locales.join('|')}/ do
namespace :document_manager do
resources :file_types, except: [:show]
For the new view the route /en/document_manager/file_types
is generated, but when I try to access the edit view I get this error:
No route matches {
:locale=>#<FileType _id: 550198ca7462720388010000, user_file_id: nil, file_name: "...", description: "...">
} missing required keys: [:id]
How can I change the form that the id
and locale
parameter is set right for new and edit?
Update: A first solution that works is to remove the locale
scope and store the language in the session, but for SEO, this will result in duplicate content, so a better solution would be having urls like:
Use a normal path, some times rails overcomplicates, in this case it should automatically use the scope you are using but as you try to use it I have only used hardcoded scopes like /en|es|fr/
If I were you I would use something like:
= simple_form_for document_file_type_path, method: :post do |f|
and use 2 different forms, try hardcoding your available locales like
scope "(:locale)", :locale => /en|es|fr/ do
resources :foos
resources :bars
Also looks like it is waiting for 3 parameters try:
[:document_manager, "locale", file_type]