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Using openParentApplication: and handleWatchKitExtensionRequest: to send location updates to Watch App not working

I am using openParentApplication: and handleWatchKitExtensionRequest: to ask for, and send an NSNumber object that contains a value from the Core Location locationManager:didUpdateLocation: method. I am doing this so that my watchkit app doesn't have to worry about using Core Location, and I can use all the logic that I already wrote in my iOS app. The callback to my watchkit extension seems to work correctly, and I get a response back in my "reply:" callback.

However, I never get any real data from Core Location until I manually tap my apps icon in the Simulator. THEN I start getting real data from Core Location and my watch kit interface is updated with correct data.

Is this just a limitation of the Simulator?


  • I needed to use requestAlwaysAuthorization rather than requestWhenInUseAuthorization. Doing so allowed me to get location updates how I wanted.