I'm having issues with the following block of code: Where $output is netstat -lnt | grep ":::60". Specifically the section under the comment #Create filename format
my @lines = split /^/, $output;
foreach my $line (@lines) {
my ($garb, $long_ports) = (split /\s*:::\s*/, $line);
#Get the last 2 digits of the 60XX port number
my ($garb2, $ports) = (split /60/, $long_ports);
#Split values to numbers 0-9 for correct filename format
if ($ports < 10) {
my ($garb3, $ports2) = (split /0/, $ports);
#Add 0 since 0 port is split to empty string
if (length($ports2) == 0){
$ports2 = "0$ports2";
#Create file name format
my @locked_ports = ".X$ports2-lock";
my %h = map {$_ => 1 } @locked_ports;
#open /tmp and find the .X*-lock files that DO NOT match locked_ports
opendir (DIR, $tmp ) or die "Error in opening dir $tmp\n";
while (my $files = readdir(DIR)) {
if (exists $h{$files}){
unlink $files;
I've also tried:
#Create file name format
my @locked_ports = ".X$ports2-lock";
#open /tmp and find the .X*-lock files that DO NOT match locked_ports
opendir (DIR, $tmp ) or die "Error in opening dir $tmp\n";
while (my $files = readdir(DIR)) {
next if $files =~ @locked_ports;
unlink $files;
#Create file name format
my $locked_ports = ".X$ports2-lock";
#open /tmp and find the .X*-lock files that DO NOT match locked_ports
opendir (DIR, $tmp ) or die "Error in opening dir $tmp\n";
while (my $files = readdir(DIR)) {
next if $files =~ $locked_ports;
unlink $files;
Each time I get an error similar to: Global symbol "@locked_ports" requires explicit package name
, Global symbol "$locked_ports" requires explicit package name
How can I have the while "next" over filenames that equal the lines of locked_ports?
Any help much appreciated.
scopes the variable to the inner-most block (curlies) in which it is located.
my $foo;
# $foo not accessible here.
The block ends on the line after the one where you create the variable. Move the variable's declaration so it has a sufficiently large scope.