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ActiveMerchant Get Braintree ClientToken

I am trying to use ActiveMerchant with Braintree Dropin UI and I am unable to find the correct methods to create the client token to pass to the JavaScript SDK. My current setup is:

# config/environments/development.rb
# ActiveMerchant configuration.
ActiveMerchant::Billing::Base.mode = :test
config.gateway =
  merchant_id: '',
  public_key: '',
  private_key: ''

And I have a controller that needs to send back a client token as part of an API request:

# app/controllers/v1/orders_controller.rb
def token
  @client_token = ...GENERATE CLIENT TOKEN...
  respond_with @client_token

I just don't know how to generate this token through the ActiveMerchant API.


  • I work at Braintree. If you have more questions, I suggest you email our support team.

    ActiveMerchant currently isn't compatible with To use the Drop-In UI or any other features, you'll need to use the Braintree ruby client library directly. See the Braintree "Getting Started" Guide for instructions.