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What are the ways to track inactivity with adobe dtm?

I'm new to Adobe DTM, after checking all Adobe DTM events it doesn't have a method to check for inactivity. Have anyone done this? How to do this? Thanks.


  • Well, I'm gonna answer my question based on the help from @CrayonViolent.

    1. Create a Page Load Rule
      Under Conditions, Trigger rule at Bottom of Page, it provides ample time for the page to load the elements before it runs the rule

      Under Javascript / Third Party Tags, I added my javascript to detect whether the input field value has changed, if it does, delays for 15 seconds then run _satellite.setVar('blahblah', 'toSomething') which allows me to use in the next step. Final step is _satellite.track('mydirectcallname'), to trigger the Direct Call Rule

    2. Create a Direct Call Rule
      Under Conditions, make sure String has the same value as in _satellite.track('mydirectcallname') (i.e. mydirectcallname)
      Under Adobe Analytics, I set one of the eVar to use %blahblah%, which I defined in step 1.