I'm using cakephp 1.3 paginator, it works fine, except for this:
if I have 5 pages, accessing by this kind of url
I'll get the last page, but if I access to
I also get the last page. But I want to not retrieve any values, since is not a valid page.
My configuration is like this:
var $paginate = array(
'Post' => array(
'limit' => 10,
'order' => array('Post.id' => 'desc')
$posts = $this->paginate('Post');
Well, that's unfortunately how it works until CakePHP 2.3, and it's buried in the middle of the Controller::paginate()
// ...
if ($page === 'last' || $page >= $pageCount) {
$options['page'] = $page = $pageCount;
// ...
So you pretty much have only one option, calculate the page count yourself and use it to validate the current page.