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How to switch tasks between queues in Celery

I've got a couple of tasks in my in Celery.

# this should go to the 'math' queue 
def add(x,y):
    uuid = uuid.uuid4()
    result = x + y
    return {'id': uuid, 'result': result}

# this should go to the 'info' queue
def notification(calculation):
    print repr(calculation)

What I'd like to do is place each of these tasks in a separate Celery queue and then assign a number of workers on each queue.

The problem is that I don't know of a way to place a task from one queue to another from within my code.

So for instance when an add task finishes execution I need a way to place the resulting python dictionary to the info queue for futher processing. How should I do that?

Thanks in advance.


As I said in the comments the question essentially becomes how can a worker place data retrieved from queue A to queue B.


  • You can try like this.

    Wherever you calling the task,you can assign task to which queue.


    By this way you can put tasks in seperate queue.

    Worker for seperate queues

    celery -A proj -Q queuename1 -l info
    celery -A proj -Q queuename2 -l info

    But you must know that default queue is celery.So if any tasks without specifying queue name will goto celery queue.So A consumer for celery is needed if any like.

    celery -A proj -Q queuename1,celery -l info

    For your expected answer

    If you want to pass result of one task to another.Then

    result = add.apply_async(queue="queuename1")
    result = result.get() #This contain the return value of task


    notification.apply_async(args=[result], queue="queuename2")