If I want to retrieve the abstract from a URI, I do the following:
PREFIX dbp_owl: <http://dbpedia.org/ontology/>
SELECT DISTINCT ?abstract WHERE { <http://dbpedia.org/resource/Horizon_High_School_(Thornton,_Colorado)> dbp_owl:abstract ?abstract FILTER (lang(?abstract) = "en" )}
If I want to retrieve the thumbnail:
SELECT DISTINCT ?thumb WHERE { <http://dbpedia.org/resource/Horizon_High_School_(Thornton,_Colorado)> dbp_owl:thumbnail ?thumb }
How can I retrieve everything from the URI and not only one property?
As to retrieving multiple properties, you can do that by using a variable in the property position. E.g.,
select ?property ?value where {
dbpedia:Mount_Monadnock ?property ?value
Note that if you try to filter ?value here by language, you'll miss a lot of results, because results that aren't literals, or aren't language tagged literals won't give you a value with the lang function. So you really need restrict the filter a bit:
select ?property ?value where {
dbpedia:Mount_Monadnock ?property ?value
filter ( !isLiteral(?value) #-- ?value is not a literal
|| lang(?value) = "" #-- ?value is a non-language tagged literal
|| langMatches(lang(?value),"en")) #-- ?value has a language tag matching "en"
Note that you should not check languages with =, but with langMatches instead. That will handle differences in capitalization, as well as a regional variants in language.