I'm trying to figure out how is best to do authentication and login flow with Ember. I'll also add that this is the first web app I've built so it's all a bit new to me.
I have an Express.js backend with protected endpoints using JWTs (I'm using Passport, express-jwt and jsonwebtoken for that) and that all works.
On the client-side, I'm using Ember Simple Auth with the JWT authenticator. I have the login flow working (I'm using the login-controller-mixin) and correctly see the isAuthenticated flag in the inspector after a successful login.
The thing I'm struggling with is what to do after login: once a user logs in and gets the token, should I make a subsequent call to get the user details, e.g. GET /me, so that I can then have a representative user model client side? These details would then let me transition to the appropriate route.
See this example in the repo for an example of how to add a property to the session that provides access to the current user.