I took an APK file decompiled it using Apktool and made a few changes then I tried to recompiled it and I got this error.
aapt: warning: string 'auth_client_needs_enabling_title' has no default translation in C:\Users\Dell\android-sdks\platform-tools\MageSimi\SimiCart_com.magestore.simicart_2.0_5\res; found: af am ar be bg ca cs da de el en_GB en_IN es es_US et_EE fa fi fr fr_CA hi hr hu hy_AM in it iw ja ka_GE km_KH ko lo_LA lt lv mn_MN ms_MY nb nl pl pt pt_BR pt_PT ro ru sk sl sr sv sw th tl tr uk vi zh_CN zh_HK zh_TW zu
aapt: warning: string 'auth_client_needs_installation_title' has no default translation in C:\Users\Dell\android-sdks\platform-tools\MageSimi\SimiCart_com.magestore.simicart_2.0_5\res; found: af am ar be bg ca cs da de el en_GB en_IN es es_US et_EE fa fi fr fr_CA hi hr hu hy_AM in it iw ja ka_GE km_KH ko lo_LA lt lv mn_MN ms_MY nb nl pl pt pt_BR pt_PT ro ru sk sl sr sv sw th tl tr uk vi zh_CN zh_HK zh_TW zu
aapt: warning: string 'auth_client_needs_update_title' has no default translation in C:\Users\Dell\android-sdks\platform-tools\MageSimi\SimiCart_com.magestore.simicart_2.0_5\res; found: af am ar be bg ca cs da de el en_GB en_IN es es_US et_EE fa fi fr fr_CA hi hr hu hy_AM in it iw ja ka_GE km_KH ko lo_LA lt lv mn_MN ms_MY nb nl pl pt pt_BR pt_PT ro ru sk sl sr sv sw th tl tr uk vi zh_CN zh_HK zh_TW zu
aapt: warning: string 'auth_client_play_services_err_notification_msg' has no default translation in C:\Users\Dell\android-sdks\platform-tools\MageSimi\SimiCart_com.magestore.simicart_2.0_5\res; found: af am ar be bg ca cs da de el en_GB en_IN es es_US et_EE fa fi fr fr_CA hi hr hu hy_AM in it iw ja ka_GE km_KH ko lo_LA lt lv mn_MN ms_MY nb nl pl pt pt_BR pt_PT ro ru sk sl sr sv sw th tl tr uk vi zh_CN zh_HK zh_TW zu
aapt: warning: string 'auth_client_requested_by_msg' has no default translation in C:\Users\Dell\android-sdks\platform-tools\MageSimi\SimiCart_com.magestore.simicart_2.0_5\res; found: af am ar be bg ca cs da de el en_GB en_IN es es_US et_EE fa fi fr fr_CA hi hr hu hy_AM in it iw ja ka_GE km_KH ko lo_LA lt lv mn_MN ms_MY nb nl pl pt pt_BR pt_PT ro ru sk sl sr sv sw th tl tr uk vi zh_CN zh_HK zh_TW zu
aapt: warning: string 'auth_client_using_bad_version_title' has no default translation in C:\Users\Dell\android-sdks\platform-tools\MageSimi\SimiCart_com.magestore.simicart_2.0_5\res; found: af am ar be bg ca cs da de el en_GB en_IN es es_US et_EE fa fi fr fr_CA hi hr hu hy_AM in it iw ja ka_GE km_KH ko lo_LA lt lv mn_MN ms_MY nb nl pl pt pt_BR pt_PT ro ru sk sl sr sv sw th tl tr uk vi zh_CN zh_HK zh_TW zu
I went to my resource file there are already translations available. How to fix this error. Please Help I am on a tight deadline. Thank You very much in Advance
Make sure that there is a <string ...>...</string>
record in the file ' C:...\\res\values\strings.xml' file. You should be able to open this file using your favourite XML editor using the Windows Explorer or if you use by clicking on the strings.xml file which is not marked with a flag and has no parantheses right to its name. In the following screenshot the file is highlighted:
In this XML file you have to add the string records for the resources auth_client_needs_installation_title
, auth_client_play_services_err_notification_msg
, auth_client_needs_update_title
, auth_client_requested_by_msg
and auth_client_using_bad_version_title