I am new to Scala Play Framework. In my routes I have mentioned my the url to all my static resources. Here is the code for it.
GET /public/*file controllers.Assets.at(path="/public/", file)
My application context is /api/dashboard/v2.2
. I have a public folder in the root of my project. There is an html page called default.htm
. Now I want to see the html page in the browser.
In the url I am typing http://localhost:9000/api/dashboard/v2.2/public/default.htm. It is giving me 404 Not Found error. The call to the methods of the controller are working fine. But whenever I am trying to call the static resources I am getting this error.
Make an Route in your route file located at conf/route
add a route default route.
GET /yoururl controllers.Application.default
Move your file to views folder and save it as default.scala.html
Make a controller Application controller in your controller folder.
import play.api.mvc._
object Application extends Controller {
def default = Action {
Type In Browser "http://localhost:9000/yoururl"
It will render your default HTML page.