once again stumped here.
I have a data.frame of 4 columns:
Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4
1 1.lsm 0.43 0.34
2 1.lsm 0.47 0.30
3 1.lsm 0.27 0.85
1 2.lsm 0.35 0.55
2 2.lsm 0.71 0.46
3 2.lsm 0.53 0.37
4 2.lsm 0.63 0.34
Col1 is the cell number for cells that have been tracked over time.
I have a vector containing integers pertaining to which cells I want to keep:
keep=c(3, 4)
Now, I want to use the vector "keep" to decide which rows of the data.frame are kept and output a new data.frame with all columns but keep only the relevant rows.
I.e. the ideal output here would be:
Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4
3 1.lsm 0.27 0.85
3 2.lsm 0.53 0.37
4 2.lsm 0.63 0.34
You can try this
df[df$Col1 %in% keep, ]
# Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4
# 3 3 1.lsm 0.27 0.85
# 6 3 2.lsm 0.53 0.37
# 7 4 2.lsm 0.63 0.34