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With Dapper Extensions, how do I sort by random?

It seems sorting in Dapper Extensions can be achieved with Predicates:

Predicates.Sort<Person>(p => p.LastName)

My question is, how do I implement random sorting (i.e. RAND() in sql) to predicates?


  • Predicates.Sort actually produces an ISort-compatible interface which is defined as follows:

    public interface ISort
        string PropertyName { get; set; }
        bool Ascending { get; set; }

    It looks like we have a chance of setting property name to "RAND()" or something, right?... But, sadly, this interface is used in this way:

    if (sort != null && sort.Any())
        sql.Append(" ORDER BY ")
           .Append(sort.Select(s => GetColumnName(classMap, s.PropertyName, false) + (s.Ascending ? " ASC" : " DESC")).AppendStrings());

    So Dapper Extensions in fact check that the passed name is a column name. And the GetColumnName is defined as follows:

    public virtual string GetColumnName(IClassMapper map, string propertyName, bool includeAlias)
        IPropertyMap propertyMap = map.Properties.SingleOrDefault(p => p.Name.Equals(propertyName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));
        if (propertyMap == null)
            throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Could not find '{0}' in Mapping.", propertyName));
        return GetColumnName(map, propertyMap, includeAlias);

    Therefore, the string actually should be not a column name, but a property name (they have named the field in ISort interface for a purpose, right?).

    So, to implement something like the thing you want you need to customize their SQL generator.

    For further details, the best way is to refer to sources:



    PS: I am unable to post link to the repo root due to beginner's rep, hope you can guess it ;)

    PPS: The same is true for whole predicates system in Dapper Extensions. I believe it should be greatly refactored to allow more than plain-forward column-based restrictions.