I am just getting started using Elive for an HTML screen scraping task. If I wanted the text from the second and fourth TD nodes of the following table, how would I specify the selector? I read through the tutorial but didn't find any examples of how to specify what in XPath would be:
html/body/table/tr/td[2] and /td[4] (assuming a one-based index)
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="2">
<td width="15%" class="labels">Part No</td>
<td class="datafield">I2013-00007</td>
<td class="labels"><div align="right">Parcel No</div></td>
<td colspan="3" class="datafield">07-220-12-03-01-2-00-000</td>
I need to capture the text value from those two TD nodes.
You can use nth-of-type
like this:
user> (require '[net.cgrand.enlive-html :as html])
user> (def test-html
"<html><body><table width='100%' border='0' cellspacing='3' cellpadding='2'><tr><td width='15%' class='labels'>Part No</td><td class='datafield'>I2013-00007</td><td class='labels'><div align='right'>Parcel No</div></td><td colspan='3' class='datafield'>07-220-12-03-01-2-00-000</td></tr></table></body></html>")
user> (:content (first (html/select (html/html-resource (java.io.StringReader. test-html)) [[:td (html/nth-of-type 2)]])))