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Facebook App Invites iOS SDK v4.0 configuration and states

I have recently started to implement the new Facebook's App Invites feature. The invite is sent, but my friends (or app testers in my case) whom I sent app invites to did not receive any notification.


Update: I have successfully tested out the feature. But there are something to note, see my self-accepted answer below.


Having followed the tutorial, but I don't know if anything is misconfigured or how to debug the process.

So my questions are:

  1. Does app invites feature needs an actual App Store app ID to be configured in the App Link meta header tag? Because, as far as I understand this feature, the main purpose of this is to recommend my friends to try out an app that I like. The app I working on is still under development, and I see that the App Store ID field on App Link generator tool is optional. So I think when I shared an development app to my friends, they wouldn't receive the messages.

  2. In the callback of of current FBSDKAppInviteDialogDelegate delegate methods, specifically appInviteDialog:didCompleteWithResults:, what kind of Invite Sent success result should I received when the invite is actually sent? Because, currently as I tested, when the invite is sent from Facebook's app invites dialog, if I press Send and if the sending process success, the above delegate will only return boolean value of 1 for didComplete key. Not sure if didComplete is that the invite was sent to the receiver, or does it meant didFinished?

Side note related to (2.): In recent App Invite introduction video at F8, at 18:47, there was an indicator with an letter with "Invite Sent!" text below. When I tested out, I didn't see that. Could this be a (nice) beta feature?


  • So, after some research. To recap, in order to test the App Invite on your development app, there are something to note:

    • First and foremost: The first you have to do before implement the app invite feature is that you have to upgrade your project's Facebook iOS SDK to latest version 4.0. So more work to migrate from 3.x to 4.x

    To send app invites you must use version 4.0 or later of the Facebook SDK for iOS - see the note here

    • The best way is to test with your Testers accounts, who has access to app in development mode (If you don't have, you can add your test Facebook user in Roles tab in your Facebook app dashboard).
    • Your should test with both users on Facebook's native mobile app (NOT simulator/device mobile browser) in order to see your invite push notification. But first, check whether the app you want to send is installed on your mobile before or not; if it is not installed, you should received push notification (see comment from FB developer advocate here).
    • Last but not least: make sure you configure both your app correctly, the steps are very minimal and easy to follow, make sure there is not any typo in your scheme and your invite code.