I have recently started to implement the new Facebook's App Invites feature. The invite is sent, but my friends (or app testers in my case) whom I sent app invites to did not receive any notification.
Update: I have successfully tested out the feature. But there are something to note, see my self-accepted answer below.
Having followed the tutorial, but I don't know if anything is misconfigured or how to debug the process.
So my questions are:
Does app invites feature needs an actual App Store app ID to be configured in the App Link meta header tag? Because, as far as I understand this feature, the main purpose of this is to recommend my friends to try out an app that I like. The app I working on is still under development, and I see that the App Store ID field on App Link generator tool is optional
. So I think when I shared an development app to my friends, they wouldn't receive the messages.
In the callback of of current FBSDKAppInviteDialogDelegate
delegate methods, specifically
, what kind of Invite
success result should I received when the invite is actually sent?
Because, currently as I tested, when the invite is sent from
's app invites
dialog, if I press Send
and if the
sending process success, the above delegate will only return boolean
value of 1
for didComplete
key. Not sure if didComplete
is that the
invite was sent to the receiver, or does it meant
Side note related to (2.): In recent App Invite introduction video at F8, at 18:47, there was an indicator with an letter with "Invite Sent!" text below. When I tested out, I didn't see that. Could this be a (nice) beta feature?
So, after some research. To recap, in order to test the App Invite on your development app, there are something to note:
To send app invites you must use version 4.0 or later of the Facebook SDK for iOS - see the note here