I have a composite index defined on a SQLAlchemy object, say:
class Shirt(Base):
__tablename__ = 'shirt'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
size = Column(String(32)) # e.g. small, medium large
color = Column(String(32)) # e.g. blue, red, white
Index('color_size', Shirt.size, Shirt.color)
I'd now like to do a search for small
and red
shirts, taking advantage of the color_size
composite index.
How do I write this query?
Would the use of and_()
automatically take advantage of the index?
For example:
results = Shirt.query.filter( and_(Shirt.size=='small', Shirt.color=='red') ).all()
Yes, the index should be used. SQLAlchemy isn't using the index though, it only defines the index. It's up to the database to use it for a given query.
You can use EXPLAIN
to prove that the index is being used. For example, PostgreSQL shows an Index Scan
example => explain select id from shirt where color = 'red' and size = 'small';
Index Scan using ix_shirt_size_color on shirt (cost=0.15..8.17 rows=1 width=4)
Index Cond: (((size)::text = 'small'::text) AND ((color)::text = 'red'::text))