I know php mysql , javascript , jquery very well. I have never touced flash. Now have to do website in complete flash with action scripting.
Keeping flash animation and scripting separate. How much time it will take for me to build e.g.
1)Simple page with 1 column layout like , header , navigation bar , content.
2)The navigation items will be loaded from database using xml and flash
3)The content will also load from database depending upon navigation item clicked
How much time for inserting flash objects and how much time for scripting. Thanks
Judging by the skills you have already, you would be used to how Object Oriented Programming looks and works.
For what you request, I dare say it would not take you long to understand how to create code to feed from XML.
I always find that best learning when it comes to code, is to get a free example, take it apart, put it back together again. Research those methods to learn all relevant information. Instead of getting a book and trying to master the entire AS3 language, learn just what you need for your project.
FlashMo is an excellent portal with lots of free resources when it comes to interactive flash content.
The main concept you will have to get down to a T, is parsing XML and loading it into your Flash project, which is heavily documented in examples and tutorials.
As a PHP and mySQL programmer, naturally you'll create a PHP page to pull data from your DB and auto=generate it as an XML file.
Time wise, this should not take you long depending on the complexity of your Flash website.